In stunning similarity to last year’s piece of high profile Apple news, yet another Apple employee has lost yet another iPhone prototype at yet another San Francisco bar. According to one reporter at DailyTech “Either Apple, Inc. is conducting some highly sneaky guerrilla marketing, or the company needs to start giving out mandatory Alcoholics Anonymous sessions with its iPhone prototypes.” I couldn’t agree more.
According to a source, the phone went missing in a tequila lounge called Cava 22 in San Francisco's Mission district in late July and sparked a scramble by Apple security to recover the device over the next few days. Apple representatives contacted San Francisco police, saying the device was priceless and the company was desperate to secure its safe return.
After last year's embarrassing loss, Apple reportedly has taken extraordinary steps to protect its prototype devices from leaks. Next-gen iPhones are sent to carriers for testing inside locked and sealed boxes. Even last year's prototype, the iPhone 4G was enclosed in a case designed to make it look like an iPhone 3GS.
Hey Apple, any chance you can put your next prototype in the hands of a soused employee and send them to New York City?
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