Will facial monitoring technology be the new frontier for game design? With the technology from London based, Realeyes, companies can now predict and track what consumers are thinking simply by scanning their facial features. The concepts behind this technology have been utilized extensively by advertising firms in the past; filming and studying study participants in artificial settings. Realeyes hopes that they can be able to collect similar consumer data in a real-world setting in real-time.

Mihkel Jäätma, who founded the company in 2007, says that his system is able to gauge a person’s mood by plotting the position of facial features, such as eyebrows, mouth and nostrils, and employing clever algorithms to interpret changes in their alignment. Eye-movement tracking hints at which display ads were overlooked and which were studied for any period of time. The approach offers precisely the sort of quantitative data brand managers yearn for.
The technology would be an unparalleled asset to the games industry, for both recreational games and serious games.
Realeyes has been working with Kaplan, an educational-services company, on a project in Hungary which is using the system to measure how children respond to virtual games that teach them English. The hope is that by studying the emotional expressions in the children, the type of tasks and the characters that appear in them can be made more engaging.
The technology would make computer games more engaging, too. The technology would make computer games more engaging, too. At Sony, they believe that reading players’ emotions with webcams would let software pick up on their subconscious behavior and change the game in ways that would enhance the experience.
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