The next time you visit the doctor for an MRI or X-Ray, don’t be surprised if the doctor doesn’t place your scans on the big backlight display to counsel you with. Instead they just might in take out their smartphone or their tablet to pull up your scan results.
Recently, the F.D.A. has cleared a handful of medical apps for diagnostic use. Among them is Mobile MIM, which allows physicians to examine scans and to make diagnoses based on MRIs, computed tomography and other technologies if they are away from their workstations. The app comes in two versions: Mobile MIM, for physicians, and VueMe, for patients; both of which are free.
Dr. Patrick J. Gagnon, a radiation oncologist, says the app will also be useful in providing physicians at other hospitals rapid access to the images for immediate decisions. These apps make it more convenient for patients who wish to seek secondary diagnoses and treatment options.
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banyaknya pasien yang memilih produk ini ketimbang harus melakukan operasai hernia.
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Penyakit hernia
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